User Guide


Welcome to the ScripturePlus App

1. Scriptures Navigation

Changing Location in the Scriptures

Scripture Versions

Study Panel


To Add a New Bookmark

To Access an Old Bookmark Location

To Delete a Bookmark

To Update an Existing Bookmark Location

2. Reading Plan Navigation

To Access Your Study Plans from the Home Page

To Add a New Study Plan

To Remove a Study Plan

3. Settings Options

App Language

Font Size

Red Lettering

4. Account Information/Login Navigation

Registration/Account Creation



To change your password

To reset your password

5. Common Errors

Reporting Errors


First Step: Delete & Reinstall the App

“Error in Credentials” Message

Presenter Handouts


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Welcome to the ScripturePlus App

This app is a study aid that offers succinct reading plans, in-depth scriptural analyses, engaging videos, and helpful graphics to bring your scripture study to the next level!

In this user guide, you will find step-by-step instructions on how to navigate throughout the entire app. Please refer to the table of contents for more details on the specific content.

If you encounter any problems with the app or have any suggestions on how we can improve user experience, please first review section #5 (“Common Errors”) of this user guide and then submit a ticket. Our user support team will respond as quickly as possible.


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1. Scriptures Navigation


Changing Location in the Scriptures

To switch to a new standard work/book of scripture/chapter:​​

  1. From the homepage of the ScripturePlus app, tap on the large "Study the Scriptures" button in the center of the screen (there is a picture of the Book of Mormon on this button). This will take you to your last location in the scriptures.
  2. Once in the scriptures, you will see your location in the scriptures as a scripture reference (book of scripture and chapter number) written in white text in the blue bar at the top of the screen​ (e.g. "Enos 1"). Tap on that scripture reference. This will bring you to a new page with the book of scripture indicated in white at the top of the screen (e.g. "Enos") and 3 tabs directly beneath that indicated in light blue text. The tabs are "Scriptures," "Book," and "Chapter."
  3. To change:
    1. which standard work you are in:
      1. Tap on the "Scriptures" tab.
      2. Select the standard work you wish to study (e.g. Book of Mormon, New Testament, Old Testament, etc.).
    2. which book of scripture you are studying within a standard work:
      1. Tap on the "Book" tab.
      2. Scroll until you see the book you wish to study.
      3. Tap on the name of the book you wish to study.
    3. which chapter you are studying within a book of scripture:
      1. Tap on the "Chapter" tab.
      2. Select the chapter you wish to study.



Scripture Versions

In the ScripturePlus app, we offer four different versions of the Book of Mormon: (1) the 2013 LDS Scriptures (the formatting and verse numbering currently used by the Church), (2) the 1830 Palmyra Edition (the version of the Book of Mormon printed in Palmyra, the earliest published edition), (3) the "Earliest Text" version (an edition by Dr. Royal Skousen that attempts to reconstruct the earliest manuscript of the Book of Mormon using both the Printer's Manuscript and the remaining 28% of the Original Manuscript still in existence), and (4) the Book of Mormon Central Edition (Red Lettering, paragraph formatting, subheadings throughout the chapters).


To change what version of the scriptures you are reading:

  1. Open the scriptures. You can do this by 1 of 2 ways:
    1. From the homepage of the app, tap on the large "Study the Scriptures" button in the center of the screen (large blue tab with a picture of the Book of Mormon) to open up the scriptures.
    2. From any point in the app, tap on the "hamburger" menu (3 short horizontal bars stacked on top of each other) in the top left corner of the screen. This will cause a menu to slide out from the lefthand side of the screen. In the menu, tap the option on the list that says "Study" (next to the icon of an open book). This will bring you to the scriptures.
  2. Once in the scriptures, you will see your location in the scriptures as a scripture reference (book of scripture and chapter number) written in white text in the blue bar at the top of the screen (e.g. "2 Nephi 3"). Tap on that scripture reference. This will bring you to a new page with the book of scripture indicated in white at the top of the screen (e.g. "2 Nephi") and 3 tabs directly beneath, displayed in smaller text. The tabs are "Scriptures," "Book," and "Chapter."
  3. To the right of the scripture reference on the top of the screen (e.g. "2 Nephi"), you will see a short word or several letters/numbers written in light blue text (the letters/numbers/word may be "1830," "EARLIEST," "2013," or "BMC"). These letters/word indicate the version of the Book of Mormon that you are currently reading. Tap on the light blue text to the right of the scripture reference (it will say either "BMC,” “1830," "EARLIEST," or "2013").
  4. This will bring you to a new page with the word "Version" at the top and a list of versions of the Book of Mormon, both in English (4 versions) and in Spanish (2 versions). The version you are currently operating on will be highlighted in dark blue. Tap on the version you would like to use; in your case, tap on the words, "1830 Palmyra Edition (1830)." This will change the formatting to the version of the scriptures you have selected!



Study Panel


The Study Panel is a feature in the ScripturePlus app which allows you to view more content specific to each verse, deepening and broadening your scripture study potential!


To open the Study Panel:

  1. Make sure you are in the scriptures.
  2. Tap on the verse you wish to study more deeply. After doing this, a blue vertical bar will appear to the left of the verse you tapped on, to indicate that the app knows you're on this new verse now.
  3. Look to the bottom of your screen. You should see a blue bar with 4 icons on the left and 1 icon on the right. The 4 icons on the left are a play button, a landscape picture, a lightbulb, and a map pin icon. The icon on the right side of the blue bar is a white arrow pointing upwards. Tap on this white arrow to expand the Study Panel.
    1. This will cause the blue bar at the bottom of your screen to expand upwards and reveal insights on each verse you're reading! Each of the 4 icons on the left side of the bar will show you different categories of insights! If any of the icons are gray (rather than white), it means that there are no insights in that specific category for that specific verse.
      1. Play Button Icon: Tapping on this icon will reveal all videos associated with that verse.
      2. Landscape Picture Icon: Tapping on this icon will reveal all graphics & images associated with that verse.
      3. Lightbulb Icon: Tapping on this icon will reveal all scholarship, commentaries, and scripture insights associated with that verse. (This is the most popular category for users to study!)
      4. Map Pin Icon: Tapping on this icon will reveal all historical settings and speaker information associated with that verse.



To Add a New Bookmark:

  1. When you are in the scriptures, scroll to the location you wish to bookmark. To verify that the app will record the correct verse, verify that the blue scrolling bar on the lefthand side of your screen is aligned with the verse you wish to bookmark.
  2. Once you are aligned with the verse of your choice, look to the blue bar on the top of your screen. On the left, you should see the “hamburger” menu (three short horizontal bars). In the middle, you should see your location in the scriptures (the book of scripture and chapter). And on the right of the bar, you should see the icon of the white outline of a ribbon and the icon of a white magnifying glass. The ribbon icon is meant to represent a bookmark. Tap on the ribbon icon to access and create bookmarks in the app. Tapping on the ribbon icon will bring you to a new page titled “Bookmarks” with two tabs: “Bookmarks” and “History.”
  3. To create a new bookmark, make sure you are on the “Bookmarks” tab, look to the bottom of the page, and tap on the words “Add Bookmark” in the blue bar at the bottom of the page. This will refresh your “Bookmarks” page and cause your newest bookmark to appear at the top of the list of bookmarks.
    1. Each new bookmark you create will be labeled by scripture reference.



To Access an Old Bookmark Location:

  1. Access the Bookmarks Page.
    1. When you are in the scriptures, look to the blue bar on the top of your screen. On the left, you should see the “hamburger” menu (three short horizontal bars). In the middle, you should see your location in the scriptures (the book of scripture and chapter). And on the right of the bar, you should see the icon of the white outline of a ribbon and the icon of a white magnifying glass. The ribbon icon is meant to represent a bookmark. Tap on the ribbon icon to access and create bookmarks in the app. Tapping on the ribbon icon will bring you to a new page titled “Bookmarks” with two tabs: “Bookmarks” and “History.”
  2. To access an old bookmark, tap on the “History” tab. This will automatically bring you to the list of all bookmarks you have ever made on this device. Bookmarks are each labeled by scripture reference.
  3. Tap on the scripture reference of the bookmark/location you wish to visit. This will bring you directly to that location in the scriptures. You are able to freely read the scriptures from there.


To Delete a Bookmark:

  1. Access the Bookmarks page.
    1. When you are in the scriptures, look to the blue bar on the top of your screen. On the left, you should see the “hamburger” menu (three short horizontal bars). In the middle, you should see your location in the scriptures (the book of scripture and chapter). And on the right of the bar, you should see the icon of the white outline of a ribbon and the icon of a white magnifying glass. The ribbon icon is meant to represent a bookmark. Tap on the ribbon icon to access and create bookmarks in the app. Tapping on the ribbon icon will bring you to a new page titled “Bookmarks” with two tabs: “Bookmarks” and “History.”
  2. To delete an old bookmark, verify that you are on the “Bookmarks” tab. Bookmarks are each labeled by scripture reference.
  3. Identify the bookmarked location you wish to delete from your “Bookmarks” tab. Tap on the three gray dots on the righthand side of the bookmark line. This will cause you to see a pop-up menu with two options: “Update” and “Delete.”
  4. Tap on the word “Delete.”
    1. Tapping “Delete” will delete the selected bookmark location from your “Bookmarks” list.



To Update an Existing Bookmark Location:

  1. Access the Bookmarks page.
    1. When you are in the scriptures, look to the blue bar on the top of your screen. On the left, you should see the “hamburger” menu (three short horizontal bars). In the middle, you should see your location in the scriptures (the book of scripture and chapter). And on the right of the bar, you should see the icon of the white outline of a ribbon and the icon of a white magnifying glass. The ribbon icon is meant to represent a bookmark. Tap on the ribbon icon to access and create bookmarks in the app. Tapping on the ribbon icon will bring you to a new page titled “Bookmarks” with two tabs: “Bookmarks” and “History.”
  2. To delete an old bookmark, verify that you are on the “Bookmarks” tab. Bookmarks are each labeled by scripture reference.
  3. Identify the bookmarked location you wish to delete from your “Bookmarks” tab. Tap on the three gray dots on the righthand side of the bookmark line. This will cause you to see a pop-up menu with two options: “Update” and “Delete.”
  4. Tap on the word “Update.”
    1. Pressing “Update” will change the listed scripture reference to match your new location in the scriptures. This eliminates the need to constantly create new bookmarks/entries.


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2. Reading Plan Navigation



To Access Your Study Plans from the Home Page:

  1. From the home page, find the banner at the top of the screen immediately beneath the word “Home” (This banner will likely carry the name of the current Sunday School curriculum for the year, such as “Book of Mormon Sunday School, 2024”).
  2. Swipe left on the banner to see all other plans which you have previously added, ordered by personal usage.
    1. To add more plans, see the next set of instructions, “To Add a New Study Plan.”




To Add a New Study Plan:

  1. From the home page, tap on the large "All Reading Plans" button in the middle of the screen. This will bring you to a page with the words "Reading Plans" written in white in the blue bar at the top of the screen. Immediately beneath that title are two tabs (also written in white): "My Plans" and "Explore Plans.” The "My Plans" option will be highlighted in a lighter blue rectangle. This will show all study plans you have added.
  2. To add a new study plan, tap on the "Explore Plans" tab. This will bring you to a new page with a list of all available study plans on the ScripturePlus app.
  3. Scroll until you see the square icon with the title of the study plan you are looking for.
    1. For example, our Come Follow Me study plan for 2023 has an image of Jesus teaching a sermon and the title immediately beneath this image will read "New Testament Daily Come Follow Me 2023" in blue text.
  4. When you have found the plan you were looking for, tap on the plan (tapping on either the square icon or the title will both work). This will bring you to a new page with a detailed description of the plan's contents.
  5. Tap the blue “Start Plan” button in the middle of the screen. Tapping this button will automatically take you to the daily reading assignments for that study plan. The next time you go to "All Reading Plans" from the homepage, this reading plan will also appear in your "My Plans" list.


To Remove a Study Plan:

  1. From the home page, tap on the large "All Reading Plans" button in the middle of the screen. This will bring you to a page with the words "Reading Plans" written in white text in the blue bar at the top of the screen. Immediately beneath that title are two tabs (also written in white): "My Plans" and "Explore Plans.” The "My Plans" option will be highlighted in a lighter blue rectangle. This will show all study plans you have added.
  2. While still in the "My Plans" tab, tap on the reading plan you wish to remove (tapping on either the square icon or the title will both work). This will take you to the daily reading assignments for this plan.
  3. Tap on the icon of three white dots in the upper righthand corner of your screen (three white dots on top of one another forming a vertical line). This will cause a small pop-out menu to appear from the top right of your screen with seven different options.
  4. To remove this plan from your reading plans, tap on the bottommost option in this menu, "Remove Plan." This will cause a pop-up message to appear in the middle of your screen asking for confirmation that you would like to remove the plan. Feel free to read the message it displays. Then tap the "Continue" button on the bottom right of that pop-up message. Tapping this button will return you to your "My Plans" page, and you will see that the selected plan will have been removed from this page!


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3. Settings Options


App Language

To change the app language back (English or Spanish):

  1. From the homepage of the app, tap on the "hamburger" menu (3 short horizontal bars stacked on top of each other) in the top left corner of the screen. This will cause a menu to slide out from the lefthand side of the screen.
  2. In the menu, tap the option on the list that says "Settings" (next to the icon of a gear). This will bring you to the "Settings" page, with a number of different settings options listed.
  3. Scroll down on the "Settings" page​ until you see the section titled "DISPLAY LANGUAGE" (written in gray text) with 2 options listed underneath: "English" and "Spanish." To the right of one of these options, there should be a blue check mark, indicating which language the app is using.
  4. Tap on the language you wish to be using.



Font Size

To change the font size of the text in the app:

  1. Open the app.
  2. From the homepage of the app, tap on the "hamburger" menu (3 short horizontal bars stacked on top of each other) in the top left corner of the screen. This will cause a menu to slide out from the lefthand side of the screen.
  3. In the menu, tap the option on the list that says "Settings" (next to the icon of a gear). This will bring you to the "Settings" page, with a number of different settings options listed.
  4. The first section of the "Settings" page is titled "TEXT SETTINGS" in gray text. Under this heading, the first option you will see is a blue line with a dot on it, and the text "Aa" on either end of this line. This is the sliding bar to adjust the font size of the text in the app. To adjust the font size, simply place your finger on the blue dot on the bar and drag that dot either further to the left or further to the right.
    1. You will notice that the "Aa" to the left of the line is smaller than the "Aa" to the right of the line. This indicates that dragging the blue dot further to the left will reduce font size, making text smaller, while dragging the blue dot further to the right will increase font size, making text larger.


Red Lettering

Like many existing Bible apps, ScripturePlus offers a Red-Letter Edition of the Book of Mormon as part of the “Book of Mormon Central” (BMC) Format to focus readers on Jesus Christ (for more information on BMC format, see the “Scripture Versions” section under “Scripture Navigation”). The BMC format highlights in red all words of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. All words spoken by deity are highlighted in red regular font, and all names or titles of deity are highlighted in red bold.


Currently, we only have red lettering available for the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. We would love to expand red lettering to the other standard works as well in the future, and we are actively working on returning to this expansion project in the future.


To have red lettering in your scriptures, the red lettering setting must be enabled in settings and the scriptures must be using the BMC version.


If red lettering does not appear to be functioning in your scriptures, then this is likely one of 3 scenarios:

  1. The red lettering feature got switched off in your settings.
  2. You are not using the BMC version of the Book of Mormon in the app (the app offers numerous versions).
    1. In the BMC version, all of the text in the scriptures is the ​exact​ same as the text in the "2013 LDS Scriptures" version of the Book of Mormon (the formatting published by the Church). The only differences are the presence of red lettering and verse formatting (the verses are formatted together in paragraphs, to help with reading flow).
  3. BOTH the setting is switched off AND you are using a different version of the Book of Mormon.


To verify that you are using the BMC version of the scriptures, see the “Scripture Versions” section under “Scripture Navigation” in this User Guide.


To check if Red Lettering is enabled in your settings:

  1. From the homepage of the app, tap on the "hamburger" menu (3 short horizontal bars stacked on top of each other) in the top left corner of the screen. This will cause a menu to slide out from the lefthand side of the screen.
  2. In the menu, tap the option on the list that says "Settings" (next to the icon of a gear). This will bring you to the "Settings" page, with a number of different settings options listed.
  3. Scroll down the "Settings" page to the very bottom. The last section on this page is the "RED LETTERING" tab, with 2 options listed underneath: "Names for Deity" and "Words Spoken by Deity." To the right of each of these options, there will be a toggle switch.
  4. Ensure that the circles on both toggle switches are switched to the right. If the circles are on the right of the toggle switch, that means that red lettering is turned on, and you are all set here!
    1. However, if the circles are on the left of the toggle switch, that means red lettering is turned off. To turn on red lettering, simply tap the circle on the toggle switch to the right of the words "Names for Deity" as well as the circle on the toggle switch to the right of the words "Words Spoken by Deity." This will move the circle from the left side of the toggle switch to the right side of the toggle switch, thus enabling red lettering both for words spoken by deity and for names of deity found in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants.


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4. Account Information/Login Navigation


Registration/Account Creation

To register/create an account in the ScripturePlus app (PLEASE note step #11):

  1. Open the ScripturePlus app.
  2. Tap on the hamburger menu in the top left corner of the screen (three short horizontal lines on top of one another). The navigation menu will unfold from the left hand side of the screen.
  3. Tap on the "Account" option. This will bring you to the "Account" page.
  4. Tap on the word "Register" written in blue text. This will bring you to the "Register" page.
  5. Tap on the white bar with the words "First name" written in it. Type your first name in this entry field.
  6. Tap on the white bar with the words "Last name" written in it. Type your last name in this entry field.
  7. Tap on the white bar with the word "Email" written in it. Type your email address in this entry field.
  8. Tap on the white bar with the words "Confirm email" written in it. Retype your email address in this entry field.
  9. Tap on the white bar with the word "Password" written in it. Type the password of your choice in this entry field.
  10. Tap on the white bar with the words "Confirm password" written in it. Retype the password from the last step (step 9) in this entry field.
  11. Tap on the word "Register" in the dark blue button at the bottom of the screen. DO NOT tap on the word "Login" in small white text beneath the "Confirm Password" field (this is a common mistake that many users make).
    1. Tapping on the word "Login" will bring you back to the original "Account" page from step 3 and will erase all information you previously entered on the "Register" screen. ONLY click on the word "Register" in the dark blue button at the bottom of the screen.




To change your username:

  1. From the home page, tap on the "hamburger" menu (3 short horizontal bars stacked on top of each other) in the top left corner of the screen. This will cause a menu to slide out from the lefthand side of the screen.
  2. In the menu, tap on the "Account" button. This will take you to a new page titled "Account."
  3. On the "Account" page, you will see two sections: "Personal Information" and "Options." You will also see the word "Account" at the very top of this page and the word "Edit" written to the right of the word "Account." Under the "Personal information" section, you will see your current name (first name and last name) and your email written in blue. To change any of that information, tap on the word "Edit" in the top righthand corner of your screen. This will cause the text in the "Personal information" section to go from gray text to bolded text.
  4. Tap on the information you want to change (you can either tap on your first name, your last name, or your email address). When you tap on any of these words, your phone keyboard will pop up from the bottom of the screen. This will let you retype your name or email however you would like to type it.
  5. Change your name or email address to the new name or email address you wish to use.
  6. When you have finished correcting your personal information, tap the word "Save" in the top righthand corner of the page (in the same location where you had previously tapped on the word "Edit"). This will save your new information. If you do not press "Save," the app will not save the changes you have made!



To change your password:

  1. From the home page, tap on the "hamburger" menu (3 short horizontal bars stacked on top of each other) in the top left corner of the screen. This will cause a menu to slide out from the lefthand side of the screen.
  2. In the menu, tap on the "Account" button. This will take you to a new page titled "Account."
  3. On the "Account" page, you will see two sections: "Personal Information" and "Options." In the "Options" section, tap the words "Change password" written in blue. This will bring you to a new page titled "Change password."
  4. On the "Change password" page, you will see the icon of the ScripturePlus app (open book with a "plus" symbol floating above) and three different fields to fill in.
    1. In the top field, fill in your current password.
    2. In the middle field, type the new password you want to have.
    3. In the bottom field, retype the new password you want to have.
  5. Then press the blue button at the bottom that says, "Change password." This will change your password to the new password that you typed out in the middle field and bottom field.


To reset your password (create an entirely new password):

  1. From the home page, tap on the "hamburger" menu (3 short horizontal bars stacked on top of each other) in the top left corner of the screen. This will cause a menu to slide out from the lefthand side of the screen.
  2. In the menu, tap on the "Account" button. This will take you to a new page titled "Profile."
  3. On the "Profile" page, you will see two options: "Login" and "Register." If you have already registered and are just trying to recover the password to an account you previously made on the ScripturePlus app, tap on the "Login" button. This will bring you to a new page titled "Login" with fields for your email and password.
  4. On the "Login" page, beneath the field for passwords, there are two different options: "Forgot Password" and "Get Account." If you have previously registered on the app but have forgotten your password, tap on the words "Forgot Password."​ This will bring you to a page titled, "Reset password."
  5. On the "Reset password" page, there will be a field with the word "email" in it. Tap on that field and enter the email you originally used to create your account.
  6. Press the "Recover password" button situated directly beneath the email field.
  7. Pressing "Recover password" will bring you to a new screen titled "Check code" with a field for a code. The app will send an automated email to your recovery email address with a specific 5-digit code. Go into your email inbox and look for an email from "ScripturePlus App" ​with the subject line "Password recovery code." (If you do not see this email in your inbox, you may want to check your spam folder.) Once you have found the email and found the "recovery password code" within the email, return to the ScripturePlus app, and enter the recovery code into the field with the word "code" written in it.
  8. Press the "Check Code" button situated directly beneath the field.
  9. If the code was entered correctly, the app will bring you to a new page titled "Change Password" with a field for a "new password." In the "new password" field, enter the new password you wish to set for your ScripturePlus account.
  10. Press the "Change Password" button situated directly beneath the "new password" field. This will bring you back to the original "Login" page (from steps 3 and 4) from which you can now enter your email and the new password to enter your account on the ScripturePlus app!


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5. Common Errors


Reporting Errors

If you encounter any errors with the app or feel confused, please review this user guide to see if your question has been answered here. If, after reviewing the guide, your question/concern has not been addressed, please reach out to our user support team!


To contact the user support team and report a problem:

  1. Open the ScripturePlus app.
  2. Tap on the hamburger menu in the top left corner of the screen (three short horizontal lines on top of one another). The navigation menu will unfold from the left hand side of the screen.
  3. Tap on the "Help" option next to the question mark icon. This will bring you to the "Help" page with the word "Help" written in white in the blue bar at the top of the screen. Immediately beneath that title are two tabs (also written in white): "User Guide" and "Feedback.”
  4. Tap on the “Feedback” option. Tapping this option will redirect you do our user feedback portal, from which you can share all feedback, questions, concerns, or problems you wish to address with our user support team.
  5. Follow the steps laid out in the user feedback portal to submit a “ticket” to our user support team. Our team will respond to your message as soon as possible.




First Step: Delete & Reinstall the App:

If you are encountering an issue on the app, then the first step is to delete and reinstall the app. While this may be an inconvenient process, it is often one of the best ways to resolve isolated technical bugs that pop up on any app. Deleting and reinstalling an app allows its digital pathways to reset (in the event that any pathways get crossed incorrectly) and any pending updates to load.


If this does not fix your issue, please continue reading to see if your issue is addressed in this “Troubleshooting” section of the User Guide. If your issue is not successfully addressed by this portion of the User Guide, please reach out to our tech support team by tapping on the “Help” tab in the navigation panel and selecting “Feedback.”


“Error in Credentials” Message

When an "error in credentials" message appears, it is often an indicator that we do not have an account registered in our system with the credentials used. This can happen sometimes when users go through the registration process for creating an account, but they accidentally miss the last step and do not end up ultimately registering.


While you likely did register correctly, please attempt the registration process one more time, following exactly the steps as outlined in the “Registration/Account Creation” section under “Account Information/Login Creation,” paying special attention to step #11.


Presenter Handouts

If a Scripture Central presenter mentions handouts in a video, you can find all presenter handouts in the Book of Mormon Central archives. To access these archives, simply visit . From there, enter all key search terms that would be helpful in searching the video you were just watching (e.g., the name of the presenter(s), the title of the video, the section of scripture covered in the video, etc.). This will bring up a list of search results. The search result for the pdf of the specific handout is likely to be among the first five results.